Monday, March 16, 2009

The Path by Angel Sharum

This fictional story is based off a picture found on Your Photo Story Blog.
The Path leaves us at Flagrant Fiction holding our breath and wanting more.

The Path by Angel Sharum

Sharon saw the path up ahead. Being unfamiliar with these woods, she had no idea where it led. She did however know where, and to whom, the path behind her led.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Story by Gretchen Lee Bourquin

Browsing through Associated Content's Short Story section the title: The Bright Red Shoes caught the eye of Flagrant Fiction.

Marlene and Debra's interaction and non-interactions with the Man with the bright red shoes kept us following all the way to the end.

Check out Ms. Bourquin's Story then come back and comment to let us here at Flagrant Fiction know if and why you may or may not have enjoyed:

The Bright Red Shoes
Someone peculiar is hanging around the neighborhood...